Molly and dancers Brian Gerke, Marissa Mooney took the space to share their experiences - everything regarding the hearts - through various solos with a joint performance at the end (…) The performing space was set up like a boxing ring, but was soon dismantle by the performers, opening up the floor to welcome audiences for the dance party.
"Doug has challenged us to do has opened up new ways of thinking and seeing dance for me. I have a lot of questions, old and new, about process that I look forward to exploring in future works. I can't get enough of making dances. It's absolutely fascinating." - Nichele
(Click on link to view visual journal)
"I was birthed in the shadow,
nurtured by repetition and time,
I am friend to no one, yet I know many intimately,
my strength, invisible, yet I am more powerful than you can imagine,
I have no legs, but can be found everywhere,
Especially when the conditions are just right.
You can be sure I am just around every corner, waiting to visit again."
(Click on link to view visual journal)
The jaw-dropping dance moves were built on a framework that aims to educate audiences about hip-hop history and its vibrant landscapes, from its inception to its modern interpretations and variations. Audiences also got to see snippets of DJ, MC, and graffiti showdowns - important elements that help shape and cultivate hip-hop culture.
(Click on link to view visual journal)
Home is anywhere but a physical place. Sometimes, home is a fleeting moment. Sometimes, home is a warm touch that shields you from the turmoil in your head. Other times, home is a whisper saying everything will be alright. Home is a feeling!
(Click on link to view visual journal)
This past Monday was such a fond memory for me. It was the day both of my works that I have been working on the whole semester got to be shown to audiences (and I only have one performance - one chance to show both of them), and they went well.
My installation was a success, and that's all thank for the help of my dancers Peter Larsen and Marty Buhler who have put up with me and put in their art and craft to the creative process. And thank to Conor Long - one of the most amazing film artist I got to know this semester, for coming and save me last minute with his dimmer. Without him and the dimmer, my vision wouldn't have been possible. Be low is a photos that ChingI Bigelow - third year grad student - took of piece during the performance. ChingI is an amazing photographer, if you would like to see more of her work, peals go visit her website.
Still from Our Memories Pass Through Me Like That Meteor Shower Sky performance
Right after my installation performance. I had to rush to the theatre, ran my piece with my dancers Maddie and Hailey. Then I have to welcome our videographer for the show, and then mob the theatre, ushered the audiences, made pre-show announcement, and last, took photos of the pieces while they are being performed on stage. Yes, all of them in one night, and I'm surprised that I'm still sane and happy and still enjoyed everything. Here is a photo of my piece that I took.
Still from Interlacing 312 performance
Maddie and Hailey have been incredibly easy to work with. Overtime we had rehearsals, they keep surprising me with their creative input...