This past Monday was such a fond memory for me. It was the day both of my works that I have been working on the whole semester got to be shown to audiences (and I only have one performance - one chance to show both of them), and they went well.
My installation was a success, and that's all thank for the help of my dancers Peter Larsen and Marty Buhler who have put up with me and put in their art and craft to the creative process. And thank to Conor Long - one of the most amazing film artist I got to know this semester, for coming and save me last minute with his dimmer. Without him and the dimmer, my vision wouldn't have been possible. Be low is a photos that ChingI Bigelow - third year grad student - took of piece during the performance. ChingI is an amazing photographer, if you would like to see more of her work, peals go visit her website.
Still from Our Memories Pass Through Me Like That Meteor Shower Sky performance
Right after my installation performance. I had to rush to the theatre, ran my piece with my dancers Maddie and Hailey. Then I have to welcome our videographer for the show, and then mob the theatre, ushered the audiences, made pre-show announcement, and last, took photos of the pieces while they are being performed on stage. Yes, all of them in one night, and I'm surprised that I'm still sane and happy and still enjoyed everything. Here is a photo of my piece that I took.
Still from Interlacing 312 performance
Maddie and Hailey have been incredibly easy to work with. Overtime we had rehearsals, they keep surprising me with their creative input...